Release Notes - Executables Update Only Bookmark

June 21, 2018 - RELEASE
Includes UIUprep version

Issue: ADK Deployment Media Failures

ADK operations fail to complete when a version of Windows PE earlier than Windows 10 is selected.

Changes ensure that even if earlier versions of ADK are employed, the latest version of DISM will be utilized to execute UIU processes.

Issue: Microsoft ADK 1803

When employing ADK options in UIU with ADK 1803 installed on the UIU 5 Console machine, DISM commands fail to execute properly. This issue is under investigation.

When employing ADK options, please use an earlier version of Microsoft ADK on the console machine, (e.g. ADK 1709).

With ADK 1803 installed on the UIU 5 Console machine, a pop-up window stating "Using Windows 10 or later" will be presented. Selecting the "OK" button will allow the ADK process to proceed. Alternatively for unattended operations, an earlier version of ADK should be employed, (e.g. ADK 1709).

REMINDER - Requirements Change - .Net Framework Version Upgrade

The UIU 5 (as of UIU 5.7.x.x) now requires the .NET 4.6 Framework.

REMINDER - Updating from pre- versions of the UIU 5 product requires two steps.

First, use the UIU 5 Updater to obtain the version and then re-execute online updates from that version to obtain UIU 5 (v5.7.1.0).

REMINDER - Support: DISM Log Location

Location Change:
UIU 5 now stores the DISM log for DISM sessions it initializes in ProgramData\UIU\dism.log. Previously, it was stored in the default DISM log location, %windir%\logs\dism\dism.log. DISM sessions not initialized by UIU (e.g. user-driven DISM commands at the CLI, etc.) continue to log in the default location--but UIU 5-driven operations using DISM will log in the UIU directory, which should make it easier to review DISM errors associated with UIU 5.

REMINDER - The UIU 5 (version and newer) no longer employs driver.dat files for installation and manual updates.

This (and future) versions will require Driver.imp files (e.g. DB170411-p5460.imp) for those operations. Online UIU 5 Updates will be unaffected..

REMINDER - UIU Log File Location CHANGE!

On deployed machines only, the Log folder & UIU data folder have been migrated from Program Files to ProgramData.

UIU log files on deployed machines are now located under the ProgramData\UIU directory. Additionally, resources needed by each application are extracted/placed in the ProgramData\UIU\bin directory (temporarily). Program Files is no longer used for any resources or logs.

NOTE: The UIU 5 Installation log files are also now located in ProgramData\UIU; other install files remain in Program Files.

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